Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Offers Advanced Tests Supporting Diagnosis of Allergy and Autoimmune Diseases

For more information on testing for allergies or autoimmune diseases, contact your primary care provider.

New blood tests provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific yield swift and precise results to aid clinicians in crafting tailored treatment strategies for patients. These advanced tests from Thermo Fisher Scientific aim to bolster the diagnosis of allergy and autoimmune diseases for patients.

These blood tests encompass the ImmunoCAP™️ Specific IgE whole allergen tests and ImmunoCAP™️ Specific IgE allergen component tests for environmental and food allergies. Additionally, EliA™️ tests to assist in diagnosing autoimmune conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease.

ImmunoCAP™️ Specific IgE blood tests stand out as the most extensively utilized specific IgE blood test, with a robust backing evidenced in over 6,000 peer-reviewed publications. These tests play a crucial role in pinpointing allergic sensitivities to prevalent environmental allergens — be it seasonal or perennial, indoor or outdoor — alongside common food allergens such as peanuts, eggs and milk.

The ImmunoCAP™️ Specific IgE allergen component tests contribute significantly to identifying allergies to bee, wasp, dog, cat and horse, while also uncovering potentially life-threatening reactions to red meat triggered by tick bites. The outcomes from these cutting-edge allergy diagnostic tests empower specialists and healthcare providers to distinguish genuine allergic sensitivities from cross-reactivity, evaluate the risk of systemic reactions like anaphylaxis, recognize allergic triggers that may induce asthma exacerbations, minimize false positives, and inform future therapy decisions.

EliA™️ tests furnish clinically pertinent and precise insights to guide healthcare practitioners in making well-informed treatment choices. This test lineup aids in diagnosing prevalent systemic and organ-specific autoimmune disorders, spanning connective tissue diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, antiphospholipid syndrome, vasculitis, Goodpasture syndrome, celiac disease, autoimmune liver ailments and autoimmune thyroid disorders.

These advanced diagnostic tests marks a significant stride in enhancing the diagnostic capabilities at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. By offering patients access to state-of-the-art testing solutions, CRMC reaffirms its commitment to delivering exceptional healthcare services tailored to individual needs.

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