Cheyenne Regional Cancer Center to Provide Free Lunch to Cancer Survivors
May 10, 2023
Family members, caregivers also welcome
Cheyenne, WY—The Cheyenne Regional Cancer Center is hosting a lunch as well as a “to-go” option for cancer survivors on June 3, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at the Cancer Center, 310 East 24th St. The lunch is being provided in partnership with the Cheyenne Regional Foundation.
The lunch is free, but an RSVP is recommended to ensure enough food is prepared. Survivors can RSVP by calling (307) 634-9311 and leaving their name, the number of people attending and their phone number.
Meals will be catered by Ranch Eats, a local food truck serving rustic cuisine, and will include seasoned chicken thighs with cream sauce, barbecued beef brisket, roasted potatoes, coleslaw, bacon baked beans, cornbread, flavored water, punch and a “Chef’s Choice” dessert.
Cancer Center providers and staff will be on hand to visit with survivors and their family members and caregivers.
“The focus is to celebrate and recognize anyone who has had cancer or has helped and supported someone with cancer,” said Dana Pate, the Cancer Center’s Nursing Clinical Director. “This includes someone who is undergoing treatment now or who has finished treatment.”
Lunch will be served on the center’s east patio and garden area. Parking will be available in the center’s parking lot and Cheyenne Regional Medical Center’s north parking garage.
“We are excited to continue this annual tradition of honoring and recognizing cancer patients and survivors and their caregivers and family members, to show how much we appreciate them and all that they’ve been through and overcome,” said Becky LaVallie, the Cancer Center’s Nursing Clinical Manager.
For more information about the lunch, call (307) 634-9311.