Media and Press Kit

Thank you for visiting the Cheyenne Regional media page.

We value the services provided by the news media, and it’s our goal to make your job easier in covering our healthcare experts, facilities, medical services and community resources. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the information below.

Cheyenne Regional media contacts

JJ Barley-Dunning

Media Relations

Office: (307) 633-7059
Cell: (307) 631-6867

Hillary Hardy

Marketing and Communications Director

Office: (307) 773-8144
Cell: (307) 221-5186

Media requests

All requests for interviews at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center or Cheyenne Regional Medical Group (Cheyenne Regional) must be arranged or approved by the Marketing and Communications Department.

We also require that any journalist and/or news photographer visiting any of our campuses or clinics be escorted by a member of the Marketing and Communications Department. This policy is in effect to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality, which is mandated by a federal law known as HIPAA. (See more explanation of HIPAA below.)

A member of the Marketing and Communications Department will help you navigate the Cheyenne Regional campus and can identify physicians and employees appropriate for your story; identify the location in which to conduct your interview; and coordinate any photo or b-roll shoots on Cheyenne Regional campuses.

To request an interview with a physician, employee or patient during business hours

Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., call Jennifer Barley-Dunning, Media Relations Specialist, or Hillary Hardy, Marketing and Communications Director.

Outside of business hours

Please call the Cheyenne Regional operator at (307) 634-2273. The operator will contact someone from the Marketing and Communications office to assist you.

Patient privacy and HIPAA

Cheyenne Regional must abide by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a comprehensive law mandating that hospitals and health systems protect the privacy and confidentiality of their patients and patient information.

  • To comply with this law, Cheyenne Regional cannot release information about any patient without being given the patient’s first and last name.
  • We cannot disclose the specific location of the patient in the hospital (for example, the ICU, PICU, etc.).
  • In some cases, patients may exercise their legal right to remain anonymous while being cared for at Cheyenne Regional. In those cases, no information will be released regarding that patient’s condition. We will also be unable to confirm the patient’s presence in the hospital.
  • Patients involved in matters of public record have the same privacy rights as other patients. The fact that a patient has been transported to the hospital from an accident, crime scene or fire has no bearing on the patient’s privacy. The name verification and one-word condition rule still apply, and the patient also has the right to have his/her presence at the hospital remain private and confidential.
  • Celebrities, public figures and public officials fall under the same guidelines for patient privacy as any other patient in the hospital.
  • Conditions for minors (under the age of 18) will only be released if signed permission has been obtained from the parent or guardian.

List of patient conditions

Patients and their families have the choice of being included in or opting out of the patient directory at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. The following are the conditions that can be released regarding patients whose names are listed in our directory.

  • Undetermined: Patient is waiting to be assessed or is being assessed.
  • Good: Vital signs such as pulse, temperature and blood pressure are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
  • Fair: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious but may be uncomfortable or have minor complications. Indicators are favorable.
  • Serious: Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
  • Critical: Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.
  • Treated and Released: Patient received treatment but was not admitted. (Cheyenne Regional cannot release information regarding the date of release or where the patient went upon release.)
  • Stable: This is not a patient condition as it may apply to several conditions.
  • Death of a patient: HIPAA allows the disclosure of this information only in response to certain law enforcement inquiries; to coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors to allow them to do their jobs; and to family, a personal representative or another person directly responsible for the patient’s care. This information will not be released to the media.

Crisis and disaster situations

During a community crisis or disaster, Cheyenne Regional will try to provide journalists with general information about the number of patients received, the scope of injuries and the age range of the patients.

Jennifer Barley-Dunning, Media Relations Specialist, is the primary point of contact. Hillary Hardy, Marketing and Communications Director, will also assist with media requests.

In the event of a hospital crisis or disaster, a media area will be established and working members of the news media will be escorted to this area and asked to remain there awaiting updates. Such events may include security issues, flooding, electrical outages, infectious disease outbreaks or hospital accidents. Every effort will be made by hospital staff to keep the media informed of the situation. However, it is critical that reporters understand that patient and hospital employee safety and privacy will be the first priority.

Request for information to be withheld

All patients have the right to request that their information be withheld, including confirmation of their presence in the hospital. By law, we must honor that request.

Child and adult protective service cases

All child and adult protective service cases are confidential, and no information may be released about the patient, nor can confirmation that the individual is a patient be given.

When a Cheyenne Regional patient contacts you

When a patient contacts a journalist about his/her situation and asks to be interviewed, the reporter must notify the Marketing and Communications Department prior to coming to the hospital for the interview.

Every effort will be made to accommodate your request; however, the best interest of the patient and other patients in the nearby vicinity are the hospital’s first priority at all times.

Group Tours

Take a tour of Cheyenne Regional Medical Center or to have your group make a special visit to perform or provide gifts.