Pastoral Care

The Cheyenne Regional Medical Center (CRMC) pastoral care staff offers religious, spiritual and emotional support to patients and visitors of various faiths and cultures.

Pastoral services include:


Chaplains are clinically trained and maintain relationships with local churches and faith organizations.

In addition to routinely visiting patient rooms, a chaplain can also coordinate a visit from a local parish priest, minister, pastor or rabbi as requested.

To contact a chaplain, please call the hospital operator at (307) 634-2273 and ask to speak with the on-call chaplain.

Meditation Chapel

The Meditation Chapel, located in the West building on the sixth floor, is open 24 hours a day for prayer and meditation.

Sunday Interfaith Chapel Services – East Chapel

The East Chapel is located in the East Building on the main floor of the south wing. Sunday Interfaith Chapel Services begin each week at 1 p.m.