Physical Therapist

LaVoy, Cheryl, PT

CRMG Provider

Cheryl LaVoy has been a physical therapist for almost three decades. During that time, she has worked mostly in outpatient orthopedics.

Cheryl became a provider because she loves being able to help patients return to their previous level of activity at home, work and in the community following an injury or surgical procedure. She loves working at the Cheyenne Regional Medical Group clinic because she can easily ask the physicians questions regarding a patient’s care.

“My priority is to help each patient reach their goals for therapy,” Cheryl says. “I try to provide as much encouragement and guidance as possible and help them by providing hands on treatment and exercise-based therapy.”

In her spare time, Cheryl enjoys spending time with her family, which mostly consists of children’s activities and being outdoors.


Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical and occupational therapy focus on restoring movement, reducing pain, and enhancing daily function to improve overall quality of life.