Inpatient Rehabilitation: FAQs
When you arrive for your stay at Cheyenne Regional’s Acute Rehabilitation Unit (ARU), we’ll help you get settled into your room and familiarize you with all aspects of our inpatient rehabilitation program.
After, you may be asked to participate in a series of evaluations to help us get more familiar with you and your specific needs. These assessments will be an important part of putting together your personal goals and treatment plan—and getting you started on your road to recovery!
We know you have many questions about your care team, what to bring with you and what your average day in the ACU might look like, and we’ve addressed each of those topics below.
For any questions we haven’t covered here, please contact the Cheyenne Regional ARU at (307) 633-7310.
During your inpatient rehabilitation program, your specialized care team of rehabilitation experts will meet regularly to discuss your progress, plan your therapy sessions and help you reach your goals.
The team includes:
- Your physician, who has specific experience in rehabilitation medicine and will coordinate your overall treatment program. You will have regular access to him or her.
- Your physical therapist, who will coach you through exercises designed to help improve your balance, strength and endurance. Physical therapists will also work with you to decrease pain and improve range of motion, mobility and functional skills.
- Your occupational therapist, who will help you become more independent by teaching you new ways to perform daily tasks (including bathing, dressing, eating and preparing food) so you can return to a more normal daily routine.
- Your speech therapist, who will help you work on your communication, memory, hearing and problem-solving skills. If you have difficulty swallowing, the speech therapist will also address this.
- A team of rehabilitation nurses, who will work together to provide around-the-clock personal care. They’re also an excellent resource of information for you and your family during your stay with us.
- Your case manager and/or social worker and/or discharge planner, who will work together to help you find the services you need, create plans for your treatment and recovery, and help you complete a safe transition from the Cheyenne Regional ARU to home.
Throughout your stay, you’ll also meet with and/or have access to the following resources:
- Your rehabilitation physician, who will visit you to attend to medical conditions and address any concerns you may have.
- Your case manager, who will visit you regularly and is available to coordinate your care.
- Your case manager’s phone number will be provided to you for any questions you have during your stay.
- Your clinical team members, who are available to answer any questions you or your family/caregivers may have.
- Therapy staff who will arrange family or caregiver training as needed before you leave to go home.
Here are a few suggestions on what to bring with you to make your stay in the Cheyenne Regional ARU more comfortable and productive:
Other items you may find useful during your stay:
- Razor
- Shaving cream
- Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Soap
- Comb or hairbrush
Note: Staff may be required to check personal electrical equipment for safety prior to being approved for use.
Please keep all valuable items, such as money and jewelry, at home. You won’t need them at our location, and we don’t want you to lose track of them during your stay.
Following the guidelines for acute rehabilitation providers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Cheyenne Regional’s ARU must provide each patient with 15 hours of therapy within a 7-day week. As our patient, you’ll receive a minimum of three hours of therapy each day for at least five days a week.
Therapy takes place in both individual and group settings, with sessions scheduled at various times throughout the day. You’re welcome to involve your family members or caregiver to observe your therapy sessions—and, in fact, we encourage that you do! With your permission, family members are also welcome to speak with your Cheyenne Regional ACU care team and ask any questions they may have about your progress.
Sample Daily Schedule
Though your schedule will be customized to meet your individual needs and goals, here’s an example of what a day of inpatient rehabilitation might look like during your time with us:
- Your nurse will start your day with medications and/or medical treatments you need.
- Nursing or therapy staff will assist you as needed with getting clean, dressed and to the restroom.
- Breakfast is served, consisting of your available choices from the menu.
- We encourage you to enjoy community meals in the dining hall, where you can socialize, share experiences and create a valuable support system with other Cheyenne Regional ARU patients
- Therapy usually begins between 7 and 9 a.m.
- Lunch is served, consisting of your available choices from the menu
- We encourage you to enjoy community meals in the dining hall, where you can socialize, share experiences and create a valuable support system with other Cheyenne Regional ARU patients
- Your nurse will administer any medications and/or treatments you need.
- Your therapy sessions will continue into the afternoon, though your schedule can be modified to include breaks as needed.
- Your nurse will continue to check on you throughout the day.
The evening is a good time for family and friends to visit, and for you to rest and prepare for your next day of therapy. A good night’s rest will support your recovery and ability to participate in therapy the following day!
- Dinner is served, consisting of your available choices from the menu.
- We encourage you to enjoy community meals in the dining hall, where you can socialize, share experiences and create a valuable support system with other Cheyenne Regional ARU patients.
- Snacks will be available, as needed, later in the evening.
- Nursing staff may work with you to practice activities you’re working on in therapy.
- You’ll receive your therapy schedule for the next day, so you know what to expect.
- At bedtime, your nursing staff will assist you with getting clean, changed into nighttime attire.
Our program accepts most major health insurance carriers, including Medicare. In some cases, payment may be available through workers’ compensation.
Our team will help confirm coverage and will work with your insurance provider to find out if it covers inpatient rehabilitation services.